Monday, March 15, 2010

super value

Nick (not me - the other Nick) birhtday today, 50 years old. Had his first flying in since three years. Thanks to his wife's surprise birthday present, he is down here with borrowed gear to restart his flying carreer. And how, he rocketed as one of the first to cloudbase, toplanded as a local, smoked a fag, took off very skillfull again, and later joined the local pilots carving the sky. No stress there.

What a day. Years' best so far. From 12 am till 6.30 pm all you wanted. Thermals sweet, thermals strong, thermals small, thermals big.

A bright blue sky untill the breeze kicked in. Then still very much flyable for all levels till sunset.

There were too many to mention, who did very good today. Maybe mentioning Jan, who topped up his airtime, thermalling for over 4 hours under his brandnew still crispy Airwave Sport4.

Martin who made the bridge, one of the first tasks that were set today. Simon, Justin untill their arms fell off. John Apco Tetris, flying his old wing. Tony, who landed on the road to Agost, Toni the Swiss who just arrived. Glenn, getting used to his Windtech Kali, so much better handled than first days when he arrived, two weeks ago that is. And Andy, where the hell was Andy ? He was way up there. Lennard, his Windtech Combat, speeeeeeedy.

When I guide I ask everyone to put some value in their flight. Not just up and down up and down, but thermal with eyes closed (try it, it is a very good excercise), bigears - speedbar, set a little task, all kinds of things, etc... . Today there was more than one value in every flight, it was super.

Now who did I forget ... let me think... oh yes !

Last and not least, LYNN who had her first real thermals in. Screaming her glider up, she was handling her Ozone Mojo very gentle, not a wrinkle in these early spring Alicante thermals. Gently weightshifting it, coring the lift, first steps into so many more blissfull hours in the air, I am sure.

Topgirl Lynn, being carried by top-blokes.

Down below, Jan Bernaerts, 15 time visitor of Doyouwanna Alicante, something is good down here. Thanks Jan being so loyal, respect.

1 comment:

mike said...