Thursday, July 2, 2009

'rough as fuck' that's Stevies comment for the day.

Fortunately for me Marcel was a bit more talkative.

" 2 small flights this morning, 1 just top to bottom, the second one nice n easy thermalling, little over an hour, followed by a cool dip in the lake and a nice salad in the hippie bar. Then when we came back there were some gliders in the air, up to the take off but it was very very windy, after a while it did ease down and Nick and Stevie managed to take off, however it did look quiet turbulent, the wind by then had picked up some much we decided not to fly, when we arrived at the landing the wind was really blowing hard and had changed direction. Nick and Stevie finally managed to come down with big ears in another field, both happy to be on the ground."

When asked if he had a good week, his answer was: 'ofcourse, the women working while we get to fly and have fun, what more can I wish'

hmmm I've got a few ideas, Marcel but I'm sure somebody else will explain all that to you next week!

H3 checking on his network

Happy Toni in the bar at the lake.

Ann taking off at Berga last year-unfortunately she hurt her foot at the landing 2days ago and decided not to fly anymore but as a true roadtripper won't go home before saturday!

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