Monday, July 20, 2009

Novelda fiesta.
Every year in july, we are all invited to fly over La Molla. Just above the church cathedral of Novelda. There a procession is held, bringing the statue of the holy Mary from the village down below to the cathedral on the side of the hill.
Yearly our local club walks up the hill (walk ? its a damn marathon !). On an improvised take off,m rocky and bushy, we take off and fly over the procession.
While we are flying fire crackers are shot at us. Smoke bomb hit us meters away from our gliders. With a sniper sound, crackers are fired up in the sky.
We are asked by Toni not to fly too far to the left, because some things are fired up from the mansion near the cathedral, watch out !
You fly, and imagine such a fire cracker hits you, would it burn a hole in your glider ? Thing is, it is part of the game, you know why you fly here today, it is a yearly tradition, and all the hardcore pilots from the club mas7 are present.

After a good hour, it is time to go land, on the again improvised landing field. Rocky, terraces and bushes.

Alfreds' quote, it is good to feel alive !

And this after an aperitive flight near Palomaret. Sorry, but again, an excellent day.

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