Friday, July 3, 2009

'our last flight at Organya an awesome way to end our trip'. These are Stevie's words under last year picture and I think he'll write something similar today!!!

Although it didn't look like it today, the last few days we were really monitoring all possible weather forecast hoping for that break, that small window that would make it possible to fly in Organya 'the Magic mountain'- but no, no luck. The forecast this morning didn't give any hope either. Nick checked every day with the locals and every day they would say 'No Nick better stay in Ager, no flying here' until this afternoon, when Mickey (from Parapente Pirineos.) said 'yes, it kinda looks like we might have a little chance here, why don't you come over'. So Nick pulled all out of the lake, put their clothes on (they did- although he 'ld do it for you if you didn't hurry enough in his opinion) and off they went.

After having 2 flights again at Ager in the morning, with a litlle crosswind and some turbulence, they had thought the flying for this trip was over, but weren't they in for a treat! When they arrived the younger crowd had already taken possesion of the sky tumbling up n down, that's what they do those young guys, (love to watch him doing crazy stuff when I'm steady on the ground, can't watch them do it flying, makes me dizzy.) And so they flew around for an hour an half , enjoying the magic of Organya.

The general comment tonight "While the elderly did Baby wingovers, the young ones tumble around'.

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