Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thanks for the foto, Hans Henrik. Hans Henrik was flying in the Alps. I looove your helmet.

Down here guys, bingo at the cliffs. All you wanted in smooth air. It always feels so sunday-like. No stress, a chat, a flight, a chat, a flight.
Although the isobarmaps showed us a huge front right above us, and other forecasts gave us a thunderstorm warning, we had the most safe flying in ages.

Our dutch friends are going home tonight, they stayed 8 days and had one non flying day.

That one day was enough to visit Benidorm, loving or hating it.

The other 7 flyable days were enough to have their own skill levels assessed.

Their mind was open for improvement. Exchanging tips, learning tricks, trying other techniques. And that all resulted in better, so safer take off techniques which will hopefully rub off to their other fellow pilots back home. Hope to see you again !!

foto of Hellen

foto Alex

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