Saturday, May 30, 2009

Awful sky this morning, grey, black, Mammatus clouds, distant rainfall. Yuk !
And even then some guys were flying. I didn't, it felt against my nature. Suspicious sky. And you could tell, it was actually interesting. Students, low airtimers were in the air, others more experienced and local pilots were staying on the ground.
It was a bit stressy, when we saw a german beginner flying his old wind, without speedbar connected and hardly getting any groundspeed at times.
He probably thought, lovely, that's how it is played, getting higher and higher ! Holy shit. Scary ain't it.
Anyway we all have been there, and made the same mistakes. Just hopefully nothing happens at this site, because one silly accident, stupid behaviour, could damage our years of lobbying to keep Cabo de Santa Pola open.
Later in the day as I said before, blue sky again and winds veering more and more southwards. So off inland, where we were all alone, enjoying late afternoon thermals. Richard who just got off the plane was carving the sky one hour after touchdown at Alicante airport. Allen arrived tonight.

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