Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Chuffed to bits !

That's how our british pilots felt after this day.
We left early, told them to be sportive about the day. Maybe it was gonna be too strong, after all west wind was forecasted. And that's no the wind we want !

Passing Peña Rubia, it looked, shit coffee I guess, lots of wind.
But lets check La Zafra, where we were supposed to meet Jose Luis (thanks for the foto's !).
All of a sudden blue sky, not the mist, fog, the clouds we had from coast to Peña Rubia.
At take off, almost no wind, but right on the hill. So parawaiting - I hate parawaiting.

Girlies first for top to bottom. They are real low airtimers, so it was good for them to check the air, have a no stress take off, no stress flight and a lovely landing.
Bits later winds picked up and hoorah !
Look at the pictures, the sky was great, the thermals were present.

I told a week ago, we were gonna be back at this never visited site, La Zafra. Well we did and how. It was a superb day.

We're all chuffed to bits !

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