Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Simon ! New pilot on the block.

I fly a Niviuk TAKOO, one of the best tandem gliders I have ever flewn. And I consumed some already.... .
Getting ready Houston, tranquilo.

Nicolas being geared up by my buddy Raul, who with Antoline are always eager to help.

Nice shot eh !

Sometimes it is about huge climb, sometimes it is about big thermals. Today there were tandems to do. So today it was about sharing the passion with passengers who never had flewn before. At the cliffs of Santa Pola, easy stuff.
Five in total. Suzanne, german-french, two norwegians, and two little kids. All different flights. Asking different questions, having the time of their life.
It was very enjoyable today. Temperatures were nice, not too hot, even nicely fresh in the air.
Wind were off a little, but that made it more sensational if we got a good climb. And we had. Sometimes even climb all the way over the sea.
I flew with Simon, a 8 year old german kid. He loved it. It was interesting what he focuses on during flight. He was watching the sea, the colour of the sea he mentioned, and the birds he saw. The older passengers were asking more technical questions about howcome it flew, how we found the lift, how much a course cost etc... .
But if you fly relax, I think we are all nearer to what a kid thinks or experiences during flight. On a soaring day like today, there is no mobile, no watch. We just float and don't think about anything, we absorb the views. Automatic pilot, we don't have to think what to do, it is all second nature as if. Great, a fantastic way to end this day was getting a hug after flight from the 8 year old. So much fun today.

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