Reconco today. Foto take from take off, but not today, some weeks ago.
But same sky, you can see the inversion in the valley.
Maximum half hour flights, fighting in the weak thermals to stay up.
And today without vario. If nothing big will happen anyway, I prefer to fly without vario. Because (but maybe this is personal), if things are weak I tend to concentrate and fly too much on my instruments. And then in the end, I haven' enjoyed my flight. Also I could easily be trapped with the given winddirection my XC trainer gives me. Not usefull when there is hardly any wind. I prefer to feel it, and I believe it's closer to real flying.
Another reason why I think it is good to fly without vario, to get to know your glider better. You will concentrate more on the pressure in the glider, rather than the annoying beeps once in a while. And to tell you the truth, it is nice to fly without instruments, if you see the others are not doing any better with vario's on !
I did get some phone calls and emails from mainly british pilots, complaining they pay too much in their country for paragliding equipment. I understand, so I give you this price so you have an idea what prices are like with us.
For instance :
Ozone Ultralite dhv1/2 - 2000 euros
UP emergency light - 499 euros
sup'air harnass Escape - 390 euros
Total : 2889 euros
If you come and pick it up in Alicante and fly within our formula
DOYOUWANNA GUIDING for a week, I knock of another 300 euros. So you only pay 2589 euros for the whole set, simple.
Oh yes, we do have a couple of Gin rebels demo at 2000 euros as well. Please yourself.