Friday, July 11, 2008

The new Niviuk glider KOYOT en rasta colours.

Inversion today, high pressure. This weekend could be one of our better stronger thermalling days. But we have to leave early, and this is difficult. Most pilots prefer staying out late on fridaynights, so hence fly late in the afternoon. Fine, not twisting any arms.

When I am not flying early morning, I am not bothered to fly during central hours this time of the year, with this forecast. Or you fly pure thermals early, or you fly with the breeze. To me, there is no sense flying in rough stuff if there is no reward.

Northern winds should break up the inversion tomorrow. Northeastern winds at the coast maybe too strong. If I had to choose myself, I would guide you all to Monte Cabrer, and get going early. I think cloudbase could be reasonable high to go XC. But when nobody is around to join, it'll be hard.

Going in the village tonight, there is the yearly handball international tournament. For once our lazy village is packed with youngsters from all over Europe for a week. Even from Brasil, which is always promising, Nigeria, Arab Emirates, boys and girls, men and women come down for the tournament. Lets enjoy this tonight, terraces full, beer in ice chilled glasses, tapas, all sportspeople around.

1 comment:

raveydv said...

"To me, there is no sense flying in rough stuff if there is no reward"

Amen brother! I know a few other pilots who insist on flying thermic sites with no option to go cross country, simply so they can be in 'thermals'. Well whoop-de-do! Thing is, you aren't going anywhere 90% of the time. Admittedly there is that one 'golden' day when you might get XC, but is it really worth the five days when you just got tossed about like salad? I've flown these sites (I'm talking inland Cyprus here), but generally found them either uncomfortable for no reward, or comfortable enough, but just dynamic (ie the thermals had died down). One day soon I am sure I'll get lucky and get a good XC on this island, but I'm in no rush! χαιρετε!