Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Lafayette. I always liked that name. It speaks for itself, but nobody knows who it was.
I am not gonna look it up. I don't want to know, maybe he was a bad lieutenant killing Cherokees, have no idea, dontwannaknow. Keep it as a mystery. And if I would get a dog I would call it Lafayette. Lafayette sit ! Lafayette retrieve !
Hey, whats' the name of your dog? Lafayette. Lafayette ? Yes, Lafayette.
Look how it is written, l-f-yt. Funny letters alltogether and still so American, very American. But he was french wasn't he ?
On the way back from flying I heard a song, meet you at Lafayette. That's why.
Anyway, Cabo day today for Dave and Julian. A good day. A day needed in Alicante, soaring the most known coastal site in Spain. Over the so preciously coloured Mediterranean Sea.
Scott was out as well, and had his first flight with the hawks at our site, Cabo. Jeckle, the hawk, did well. First time I say it live in front of my eyes. The big bird following the glider, landing on the passengers' hand (my wife's hand Kath). Then called in by Anita, landing on her hand. Done. Amazing.

Jose the fireman, Antolino the security guard, Manolo lightning engineer.

Dave Lucombe, english pilot.

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