Monday, August 23, 2010

Paraliding Alicante

Sahara air, 38 degrees celcius, the only decent place to be is on the beach, or in the shade near your swimming pool. Drinking granizado de lemon, or a café helado. (lemonjuiceoncrushedice - coffeeoncrushedice).
Waiting for those strong breezes to calm down, having a siesta. Waking up by fellow pilots asking where to go.
4 pm, yeah, lets beat the heat, up to the mountains.
Once there, some time to chill, chill untill the sharp gusts have passed, we want to fly, not just dealing with ... . Hey, are you ready ? Vamos, lets rig.
Drinking frozen water, it is still 36 degrees.
Once in the air, gusts are still strong, but knowing it is dying off we all relax.
Another great day under our wings, cheers to you all.

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