Tuesday, June 29, 2010

As many times in the Pyrenees you have to be ahead of the weather, allways tricky, if you're down to late you might be caught up in the air when the predicted instabilities start playing their football game.
Chatting to the local pilots had made it clear that they had a very looooooooong winter, so now they fly early mornings to get their airtime topped up. We follow their procedure and get up early, head for take off and stay up until the roughness wakes us up.
But none of this witholds us of having a great time amongst pilots- friends on our roadtrip.
Tomorrow were invited by the local pilots to join them on midday when the forecast promises us a 3000m (yes meter) cloudbase.

Vamos Villa, que Villa, que MARAVILLA!!!!!

If the vuvuzelas haven't told you the news by now then surely you've heard all the Spanish cheer! Bye Ronaldo, see you next season...


Vamos Villa, que Villa,¡ que Maravilla!

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