Wednesday, October 7, 2009

JImmy, winner of the task. Task was BBBB, which means brigde, bar, bowl Maigmo and back toplanding. He did it, won the task. Gets a nice bottle of wine Rioja Crianza. Well done Jimmy, actually a bit impressed by the flying you do now, after I met you just a year ago. Superb.

Paul And Rich, sweating it out. 30 degrees today, so hot.

And if yo don't know who this is, you haven't been around the last couple of years. Horacio Lorentz, world champion acro flying. Yes world champion acro flying, nephew of Raul and Felix Rodriguez. He was flying with us today, doing his tumblings, low to the ground acro stuff.
More about him :
So as you can read, another good day I guess. Punch at times, not too much cloudbase. Strong punchy thermals trying to get through the inversion, with no success.
But still fun, after all hours of flying can't be bad can it.

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