Sunday, January 20, 2008

Some days one really wonders about himself (or herself in this case).

Just turned 41 last month and decided to take up snowboarding. For once in my life I was happy for those extra few pounds on the right places to make landings softer.

And today, I decided to go for the Maigmo run, Nick was going to stay with me and guide me- a real luxury, only possible when there are no clients around requesting his attention.

So there I went: perfect take off, in the beginning a bit of hoovering to find the thermals but off we went, my beautiful red hook and me. And up we were with all the local daily flyers, so hey I am ready. But none of them took of direction Maigmo and Nick was just asked to test the gradient Avax RSE, an offer he couldn't resist.

So there I was high up . Should I? No no no, better wait for Nick maybe the winds are not favourable enough, it's a bit off, might be tough getting back, maybe ... Stress is supposed to be work related only, no?

So there I stayed just flying around, parked once in a while waiting in the sky. Moving here and there a bit, but always making sure I'd get back ok. And then Nick's voice over the radio, 'getting out the artik now, be there in a sec and then we'll go'. So I waited and tried keeping my height when he finally signaled let's go ! I had lost some height but figured, ok if anyone knows ... and as a good woman I followed my man --- but hoho he's not going up he's going down, maybe I should turn and get some more height ?¿ And I did what I shouldn't have, I turned to look for another thermal while Nick already caught one, but hey I gained a few meters and there's Rafa well below me and he's with a Ozone Vibe. So I must be able to make it as well with my newer Niviuk Hook no ?¿ So I went chasing after Rafa, but we're sinking again ! He's still lower and going, and there's Nick right in front of us, higher though, so we only have to catch the right lift, that's all, I thought.

But we didn't. We both found some lift on the hill but not enough to proceed so turned around and really head back this time, now ! But a little too late, I hit sink and kept on scratching just hoping, praying looking at the hill the trees and .....

......where am i going mamaaaa...

......ssst stop whining, relax and concentrate, where's the best spot ? the track ? There between the trees there's like a small clear no ? ok let's S it off, I don't want to be near the other hill, I'd be under the wind, no stress, easy on the commands....Is this the spot where... ssst stop thinking - just fly, trust the Hook, she'll be ok

I zig-zag around trees, overshoot the clear spot, head towards the road avoiding trees again, finally landed in a tight spot, luckily on both feet. Waved to Rafa and Nick to signal that I was ok.

Then I started packing my baby, she landed me safe again !

When I walked back along the track I am laughing at myself "woman what's gotten in to you, you're 41 not 21". On a sunday afternoon you should be preparing paella and have some wine -but hey I read something last week that struck my mind.

'El mayor riesgo en la vida es no hacer nada' = 'the biggest risk in life is doing nothing'

and I'm alive and kicking!


me and my baby


raveydv said...

A nice read Kathe, I was actually on the edge of my seat reading it!

So glad it turned out well, it's amazing how small an area you can put these gliders down in eh? Well done! Who knows, if you didn't have to wait for slow-coach there, you may probably have made your goal!

Take Care!


Nick said...

Thanks Dave, pissed my pants,
slow coach eh.

un beso,