Monday, November 12, 2007

Southeast Spain you have to look for. Bottom right of Spain, that's where we are.
On the first chart you can see where you do not want to be, cold fronts, ocluded front, lots of wind, rain, lots of pressure gradient as soon as you enter France, Italy and this all the way up to Scandinavia.
In the southern part of Spain it is still summer with lovely temperatures. No pressure difference of any significance. But ! The sun is warm, but not hot anymore, and we have to deal with inversion (1020 mB). So thermals are weak and cloudbase is low.
As I said yesterday this is what we usually get in november. Do we fly ? Of course, but not very good. We prefer to have some instability coming in, so we can play more sportive.
Maybe from tomorrow onwards, definetely wednesday, the weather looks worse, so strangely enough better for us to have good flying in.
On the second chart it is easier to define how the winds will blow, and choose the better site for the day so. Definetly an eastern component, although not strong enough to soar.

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