Monday, November 5, 2007

Car wet, low cloudbase. Mediterranean relax while is was jogging (well having a ... ). Flags not moving and if they were, it was offshore like every day. Smog over the city of Alicante.
No hurry, no stress.
Calls coming in, where shall we go today. Relax, have a good cafe con leche, meet at 1 pm, earlier no sense, ok
Met at 1 pm, take off looks ok, but just ok, not a lot happening.
Took my Artik demo out the L. Took off and amazing in seconds at cloudbase.
Left right, you had to look for it, but more and more thermals were kicking off where they usually are weak. Not that they were strong, not at all. In the cloud, out of the clouds. In the clouds max 2.5 m/s, big fun. Luckily not too many pilots around today, so we could play in the cloud. And I love that.

I was thinking of lots of pilots who visited us the last 8 years. For most of them this would have been an excellent day.
Scratching at times, easy minutes later. Experiencing flying to cloudbase, entering the cloud, experiencing cloudsuck. Flying in the valley, hopping from one cloud to another one forming.
I think I flew 2 hours, and that's been a while. It was just so relaxing, taking foto's, getting cold in the cloudier areas, just get down and feel the warm air rising.
It felt like real paragliding should be.

Not an epic day with XC possibilities, and huge cloudbase. No, just a very enjoyable day to remember, olé !

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