Sunday, March 4, 2007

In the morning we could still see the wave clouds from the northwest. Cold air, compared to what we were gonna get later in the day., It was promising, we had to be patient, till midday.

As the day began, the clouds were screening the sun. So the valley was heated up slowly. But already early Alex and Carmen in the air, gaining height with hardly any sun.
The cold air from above worked like a silent hoover. We knew when the sun was gonna hit the valley it was gonna be sportive. And it was.
We host some british, german and belgian pilots for the moment. On the photo you can still see the wave of cold air up above, yesterday racing from the norhtwest still.
Here are some word of Frans, Belgian pilot, who left his old Sol behind to fly a Niviuk Hook.

Hi gang, I will try to serve as a host writer for Nick's today this week. Today Nick had a gorgeous day or Palomaret in store for us freeparagliders and a couple of Brits. I have been many times in Palo the last few years but this was my best day so far. First time also with my Niviuk Hook and boy what a difference this glider makes ! Very agile. As mid week looks less promising for meteo we made the most of it. Temperatures up to 26c with a good south east breeze made it more feel like September than winter ! Day was wrapped up by picking up Vlad in Tibi after his first cross. We found him in the local pub where he was throwing a party. Boy was he in outer space.

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