Tuesday, July 12, 2011


On the outlook this afternoon, taking my vespa out, having a look at the sea, the flags etc... . Looked too much aside and hit the pavement.
Result, I just got out of the hospital with a broken collar bone.
I am out for some time.
Stupid me, I wasn't even watching a gorgeous lovely looking woman as Kath thought, no truly I was watching the sea !
Damn hurt, all in place now but have to rest for a bit.


Unknown said...

Hey Nick,

Get well soon mate, that Spanish sun should help! Big hugs and kisses to you, Kath and Paco

Dougie and julie

Anonymous said...

So ein Sch... Dir geht's hoffentlich bald wieder besser! Bis Oktober ist dann alles sicher wieder vergessen. Schnelle Genesung und bis bald...


Anonymous said...

So ein Sch... Hoffentlich geht's Dir bald wieder besser! Bis Oktober ist dann sicher alles wieder vergessen. Schnelle Genesung
