Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Paragliding foto contest

I am thinking about organising a foto-contest. It would be open for all. I am organising a format :

- max three foto's per pilot, end of contest, end of 2011.

- all foto's have to be paragliding related, and been shot in our region

- winner will be jugde next year

- prices, first price free paragliding week with us (value 365 euros)

- hope to find some sponsors, paragliding shops, brands etc ...
- etc ... give me ideas

I am thinking, I am thinking

Imagine you take such a fabulous foto like Valencian pilot Jasna took. It would be hard to beat this foto already, flying and taking such a wonderful foto of a heart cloud.


Fernando said...

Muy buena idea Nick, yo me apunto.
En cuanto a patrocinadores, estoy seguro que kasana colabora, aunque sea en especie.
Fernando Ayora

Fernando said...

Muy buena idea Nick, yo me apunto.
En cuanto a patrocinadores, estoy seguro que kasana colabora, aunque sea con material.