Saturday, July 10, 2010

Abrazos fuertes

Done. Our commitment with a group from Granada flying tandems is over. With succes we flew with a big group of disabled persons again. As you probably know or heard before, once in a while (way too little) we organise an event flying paragliders for disabled.
This time we were approached to give all of them a tandem flight, on a paraglider, and if not possible as for wheelchair friends, a flight with a paramotor trike.

Yesterday we started, tonight we had our last flight.

Long days, from early morning, sheltering from the heat during central hours, and then again till late in the afternoon.
Some foto's who will just tell you a little tiny bit about the days we had. There are some emotions that you cannot describe. Guys, girls, you who have been here flying with us, thanks ! Thanks for letting us fly with you. Have a very pleasant memory of your stay in Alicante, and never forget, as we will never forget this days neither. Abrazo fuerte para todos
I have to thank all my friends who helped out again, yes again. I could name a list, but I won't, you know I really do appreciate this help so much. And a special thank you for Eric Claessens, our belgian paramotor-trike instructor who is always ready from first minute till last minute to help out. He is for real, no shit, no fake, for real. It is the second time that Eric has given us a helping hand, flying his trike. Eric, there is only one Eric.

Man, this group was one chain, everybody needed each other, had to rely on each other, learned so much again, love you all.

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