Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A boat ...

Daddy what's that in the distance ?
Let me have a look, it's a boat.
How do you spell that dad ?
b - o - a - t

minutes later ....
Daddy what's that there on the horizon ?
Let me have a look, it's a boat.
How do you spell that dad ?
b - o - a - t

minutes ....
Daddy what's that there far away, there ?
Euh, let me have a look.
It's a hoovercraft.
How do you spell that dad ?
Euh, let me have a .... .... it's a boat.

Thermals and wind today were strong enough to make figures of eight upwind to get to cloudbase. A lovely day of flying again.

shut-up, siesta in the village

Rolf from Switserland. Robins' Montenegro's lookalike.

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