Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Old pilots and BOMPIE

I think one of my guests was the oldest pilot in England once, 76 years. But now and then, I hear from german pilots that they have an active club member even older, 78. Then french show off, telling us, there is only one over 80 year old paragliding pilot and he flies their hills.

But the man on the foto beats it all.
Now it would be too easy and cheap to mock at him.
But to me, he gets his natural high the way he likes it, and nobody tells him what to do. That's what the foto tells me. Respect.

My fellow Belgian pilots, Frans and friends, meet him in the skies in northern France and call him BOMPIE.
And you may tell him, if he ever thinks about flying our region, he'll be very welcome to join us. Respect.

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