Thursday, April 2, 2009

Peña Rubia for us today. Northwestern site. And cloudy today. We flew till winds were picking up and lift was everywhere. An active day, as clouds were forming rapidly.
Ismael only local pilot, picked up his brandnew Nova Factor. Lets hope he's gonna kick ass this weekend when the first comp day is held.
But most interesting for me was the call from Alex. As you may know my harnass Sup air Vamp was stolen three months ago. This morning Alex saw my harnass pictured on E-bay. I checked phonenumbers etc... and found out it was for sale in a store in Elche. With more help from another friend Antolino we got ahold of the harnass. Meanwhile police was warned. The shop only had it on sale, the bastard who knicked my harnass and offered it in the second hand store in Elche is now searched.
Fantastic to have back my good old Sup air Vamp, including my reserve which was stolen as well.
Thanks, with a lot of help of my friends, Alex, Carmen, Antolino !!!!!

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