Saturday, May 3, 2008

The fiestas at Caravaca de la Cruz (what a name), lets say it again, Caravaca de la Cruz, si señor.

The fiestas that were held today called, Caballos del Vino.

Loads of horses are decorated with embroidery. And I have no idea how many hours, days, months grandma needed, but the decorations are enormously detailled.

In the streets of the fourth holiest city of catholic church in the world, the streets are packed with people. All wearing a red scarf in honour of the fiestas.

All day long, brass brands, playing up to each other, youngsters dancing around it. Lots of drinking, especially the sweet red wine of Caravaca de la Cruz itself is consumed. Bottles are passed around from early morning.

Everybody chanting, having fiesta like only the spanish can in the world.

In the afternoon the race is on. The horses have to race towards the castle higher up. The horses are held by four men. They all have to finish together, the men holding on to the horse.

They have the race on sandy stretch of street, again on both sides packed with people jumping aside as soon as the horse and men get nearer.

Surely in any other country this would be forbidden, too dangerous, too wild, people could get hurt. Not in Spain, where fiesta is held high as a cultural treasure of tradition, olé !

Later in the day more processions with Moros y Cristianos. The Moors and the Christians, conquering the castle. Again lots of booze, bottles going from hand to hand. People singing, eating, embracing.

Most of them at night pretty drunk, as if this is bad eh. But what is so amazing is, that all is held in a brotherhood atmosphere. Lots of hugs, kisses, embraces, singing together, drinking together, all with a peaceful attitude. Again, even with lots obviously been drinking too much, havent't seen an argument, hence a fight. What a country, if only you can adapt. Fantastic.

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