We are closed now till the 12th of january. 13th back for guiding.
If you want to book, we are still home till the 4th then on a trip to Morocco. My friend will be staying at our place, so you can call on 0034 965 687 143. Or you can try and email, or call on 0034 606 781 180.
Have a great time. And thanks reading myt blog. In 2009 I will keep you posted again daily, what we do flying wise in Alicante.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
This is a time where everybody means well to each other. Meanwhile war-loving-criminals are killing innocent people. It has to stop.
Maybe you feel this has nothing to do with paragliding, but to me it has everything to do with paragliding.
Because for me, when I am paragliding I feel alive. I feel life.
And I strongly believe everybody has a right to life. Everybody.
From behind our keyboards we cannot imagine how cruel life becomes, missing your child, your beloved, your family, your friends. It has to stop.
Indifference is a crime (don't know whoever said it to me, but since then it is my life), that's why I wrote this.
Maybe you feel this has nothing to do with paragliding, but to me it has everything to do with paragliding.
Because for me, when I am paragliding I feel alive. I feel life.
And I strongly believe everybody has a right to life. Everybody.
From behind our keyboards we cannot imagine how cruel life becomes, missing your child, your beloved, your family, your friends. It has to stop.
Indifference is a crime (don't know whoever said it to me, but since then it is my life), that's why I wrote this.

Soaring on the coast. Ronald had his best flight ever in. And loved it. Jessie had one of her first flights in without instructing. Great.
I do guide for club pilots with hours in, Ronald and Jessie are just qualified though. But ... I am happy to help just qualified pilots with a drive to learn, to get better at the sport. And I felt, sensed and saw that Ronald is eager to get better. So hey, why not give him a helping hand, guide him into a flight. So he enjoys it more, so he keeps his drive, keeps the spirit.
He flew for more than an hour in weak conditions. It was not easy, but with some help he managed. Feels good. He flies a Tequila Skywalk.
Down below, his wife Jessie and daughter Davina. Posing.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
We took it easy to day on Xmas day. Lots of sun as you can see, unbelievable temperatures, 22 degrees at San Juan Playa Alicante.
Ronald and family took a day off and went for a trip, relaxed. Joel and Marc only called late, had a typical Alicante fiesta night I guess.
No worries, some were flying inland, we took it easy.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Ronald, Jessie and Davina arrived, and were happy to see the yellow thing in the sky, which as belgians don't very often have the chance to meet these months.
Joel flew his favourite site El cid, Marc joining.
Below, the darker clouds from the coast coming in.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Now back to the flying. Well those foto's tell a story don't they. Lovely day again. Tandem flights included. Just us and a handfull of local pilots. So much better than the sunday Time Square traffic. Relaxed flying.
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Yes that's how our sky looked like today. Flying inland again. Low inversion, but still giving us time to practice. It wasn't easy. Only better pilots could stay up and topland.
I wished everybody flew, but now was the time to practice the flat turns, the weightshifting in the harnass.
When it is easy everybody stays up, when it is weak, skills come in.
Also take offs were worth watching, you could easily pick out the one who have the hands.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
always winds dying off just before the sun goes down, and then catabatic.
but many have such a passion to fly, they want to squeeze everything out of the day,
like Jan, who left this morning, every second he wants to be in the air,
never a landing in between, always such a big smile on his face, his helmet almost falling off,
see you again Jan !
Today was not as good as yesterday, but the atmosphere, the comradship on the hill made everything worthwile, super.
Are you sure its your first one ?
Friday, December 19, 2008

All of us. Flying at El cid this morning, superb views. Later good old Palomaret, where it was as if summer arrived. Carving the air for hours. As long as you pleased enjoying the smooth winter thermals. Superb day, already forgotten the bad spell we left behind.
The sun really means so much don't it, it welcomes you in the morning, it warms you, it serves you thermals in the afternoon, and the sunsets you cannot believe how beautiful they are, and this in winter. Loving it, see you all soon.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ouch. Nova importer/dealer in Spain has seen better times. Some of my colleagues have to sue him, because he hasn't fullfilled his payments. Bad times. Although after the dodgy Nova RA we all thought NOVA was back on track, with their new Nova Factor. Damn. In Spain we see less and less NOVA gliders. Due to unprofessional attitude., and that's a shame.
Anyway, the flying is little down here for the moment. Spain is in pain, it is cold, and it is raining in most parts. Upcoming days bad as well. Lets enjoy the spanish food, culture and do a sightseeing trip to the sites. Can't do any better.
Anyway, the flying is little down here for the moment. Spain is in pain, it is cold, and it is raining in most parts. Upcoming days bad as well. Lets enjoy the spanish food, culture and do a sightseeing trip to the sites. Can't do any better.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008

At least they could play, we couldn't, too much westernwinds ... again ... .
Ooops. Carla Beeckman wrote me it is not photo shopped, it was one of those rare days that the wind was spot on. And a sunday. Carla is a dutch pilot friend who has visited us on diferent ocassions.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
In front of us, huge cloudformation and rain in the distance.
We were at take off at 1 pm, just central hour, when the sun is at its strongest. With some luck cloudbase would higher up a bit, and we would maybe get a clear spell.
10 minutes later Robert in the air, followed by his fellow pilots from Sweden.
Two hours later, just after Robert had landed, clouds gathered again, wind dropped and first drops were felt.
Hondon North is not a regular site. The road is bad, it is a bit of a drive, and lots of times we'd been up there and couldn't fly. Although the ridge gives you splendid views overlooking the coastline, the Arizona looking terrain of dry Crevillente.
Thanks Borje Svensson, Robert Wikstrand, Eduardo Gibs (no foto sorry .... you were too fast ....), Jan Erik Lundin from Skarmsflyg Sweden (did I pronounce it right this time guys ?).
Thanks for flying again with us, always a pleasure. Say hello to your girl and boyfriends up there. Good skills at take off can take you far away, it is of such an importance, and you had the skills, good one.
Thanks for flying again with us, always a pleasure. Say hello to your girl and boyfriends up there. Good skills at take off can take you far away, it is of such an importance, and you had the skills, good one.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Quick shot from a Nova Factor been tried out by Ismael. Lovely glider, as you can see the arch is there, more and more glider types have 'copied' the Boomerang-Ice Peak arch, haven't they.
Lovely day, sunday, social get together at Palomaret of course. The usual suspects at the take off. Best performance, Pepe with his McMagnus, flew all the way to Muxamel. Cloudbase for him 1500 ASL, which means 700 m, above take off.
While he was flying this, we were at Peña Rubia. We were not so succesfull, and had to get back to Palomaret, but too late to enjoy the best part of the day.
A good day out with flights at Peña Rubia and `later Palomaret.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I have to fill in the forms with duration of flights, name pilot, nationality pilot etc... , so local club pilots can hand in the paperwork before the end of the year. I feel lots of sympathy for the pilots of Murcia. I am always welcome to join their site with my pilots. They always keep me informed about new restrictions, rules etc... . And I know they work hard to keep their sites open and maintained.
The take off of Carrascoy for instance is one of the best take offs you can find in Spain. Type St Hilaire du Touvet France. Nicely carpeted, protecting your glider, giving you enough space to prepare your glider cleanly. No spanish grass, sticky bushes, all as it should be.
And this very active paragliding club, Club Murciavuela, has the most problems with the local authorities to keep their sites open. Shame, they deserve better.
The take off of Carrascoy for instance is one of the best take offs you can find in Spain. Type St Hilaire du Touvet France. Nicely carpeted, protecting your glider, giving you enough space to prepare your glider cleanly. No spanish grass, sticky bushes, all as it should be.
And this very active paragliding club, Club Murciavuela, has the most problems with the local authorities to keep their sites open. Shame, they deserve better.
Un abrazo a todo los pilotos de Murcia y gracias !
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
You probably have seen this video, anyway, for those who are interested and haven't seen it yet. A very scary video about two polish pilots in Madeira Portugal, flying on the coast. They were surprised by a local meteo phenomenon, known by the locals.
Luckily both pilots were allright afterwards.
Down in Alicante we had sunny, nice temperatures but only if you got out of the strong norhtwesterly wind. On the hills, too strong and ice cold air from the north.
You probably have seen this video, anyway, for those who are interested and haven't seen it yet. A very scary video about two polish pilots in Madeira Portugal, flying on the coast. They were surprised by a local meteo phenomenon, known by the locals.
Luckily both pilots were allright afterwards.
Down in Alicante we had sunny, nice temperatures but only if you got out of the strong norhtwesterly wind. On the hills, too strong and ice cold air from the north.
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