Monday, September 13, 2010

Life stops at times

Life goes fast, you fly, you enjoy, your son gets older, another year, you fly, you enjoy and so on and so on. Life goes fast.

But then all of a sudden life stands still. Like today when you hear the most sad news about a friend.

Pilots visit us and fly with us, they come back, you start to know them, there is some chemistry between you and your clients, and they become friends. You fly with them, and there is a kind of relationship growing.
As I blogged before, thermalling together in the same bubble can become something very intimate. Or am I the only one who feels this ?
Client becomes pilot, becomes acquaintance, becomes friend.
When out of the blue, as a sudden strike of lightning you hear that someone passed away, no matter how now, it all stops.
Someone you liked, who was young and beautiful, strong and sportive, always smiling, always happy with a after flight beer, it's not fair.

If only I could do something for you and your family. I can only give you my friendship.

I cannot put colourfull foto's of todays' flying on my blog today.

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