Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lean left lean left, lean left.

A long wait till conditions were safer. Only Kike and Suby flew in the rougher stuff. Both landed at the bottom and didn't like it at all. So better wait with those two wind dummies on your side. Kike flies about 400 hours on our sites, and Suby flies national comps all over the world.

Funny to read the aggressive note from a british pilot on my guestbook, that he hated to wait till the air was buoyent. Imagine we let these pilots fly when even us, local pilots, who have so much more experience with these conditions on our sites, decide it is better to wait it out. The pilot from England who was recently qualified as club pilot, and had max 50 hours+ maybe. Sorry, but he has no idea of what these bity thermals can mean in southern Spain. And I think that's where our responsibity, our concern, our worry comes in. To let everybody have a great time, a great time of their life, but safe. We do not want anyone to risk anything on our sites. Our sites are too precious, too beautiful to have a visiting pilot messing about.

And again, for us flying is not at all about who has the most firm, the longest, the highestThere is always a tilting point for pilots.

I have been guiding now for over 10 years, seen beginners, seen acro, seen comp pilots. And sometimes all of a sudden pilots seem to forget what they are doing, they forget how great, how beautiful this sport is, on itself. They forgot how epic it was flying on huge hills near sunset, flying with eagles around.
Flying with your buddy in the same thermal, almost intimate, wingtip to wingtip, smooth circling near the other, with full respect for one another. This is all so much more than only focusing on the max height you got, on the most far distance that could have been achieved that day. Ok, its' part of it, but never let this be your only value. There is so much more value in the flying itself - nature, friendship, thermals, smells, view, birds, weather, air - that lots of pilots after years of flying forget.

Pilots dancing the pogo, or a waltz, doesn't matter, as long as they dance when landed.

It was great to get in the air, with Juan Pedro, Carlos, Henrik, Toni, Suby and two russians. We all loved it. It was super to get a whole box of Tshirts by Marina, to hand out this weekend at the event. It was great.

Hey, tell me if I'm wrong.

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