Thursday, February 26, 2009

Foto of the last part of the day, cloudsuck, and the whole swedish school below our feet.
Early afternoon, it was pretty gusty. But after our cafe con leche, in the hacienda de Palomaret all could enjoy the thermals.
Marcel, belgian pilot and usually staying in Alicante all winter, was turning his Artik in zero's. Flat, horizontal turns, staying in the buoyent air, waiting for lift.
After these last couple of weeks of flying, he is in good shape. With his sup air Vamp harnass, he found the right combination for the glider.
Today you had to stay away from the ridges to find lift. More out, it was better to center the wide areas of lift. Staying in the weak lift, not flying nerveus, waiting for it to develop bit by bit.
Cloudbase in the end at 1275 m ASL still, needed to big ear or spiral down at times, not to be stuck in the clouds. With some many Sweeds around, you better not bump into them in the mist.
At the coast we could have soared as well, but different tastes do get you a better apetite.
Now something else.
Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open.
So, probably god doesn't exist no ? Well check out this film and let me know with an open mind, what you think now.

holy shit, I think he exists

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