Monday, July 14, 2008

I got up very early this morning, to see if we could fly at sunrise. But no chance, weather so unstable, winds too strong first hour.

Got the kajak out, and some of us did the Isla Tabarca tour. Which is kajak-ing 4 km into the sea to the island of Tabarca. Have breakfast and then paddle back to Santa Pola.

Underneath the charts of the day. As you can see in the southeast of Spain, that's where we are (sureste = southeast), there was a front right above our heads. Moving eastwards to Italy, Turkey. On the second chart you can see we had to cope with 4 to 5 beaufort winds. Kitesurfing an option. And down below to rub it in guys, satelite foto of the clouds, again right above our heads, so not the best place to be for flying today was Alicante. Lets be honest eh !

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