Friday, February 8, 2008

Late afternoon shots. The sun setting already and still flying. From midday we were cautious that the forecasted eastern wind would ruin our day. But it never got to us.

It was a thermalling day, with the odd hammer thermal here and there. But mostly calm.

When we drove home we saw a huge snake being overrun by a car. Unfortunately one cannot avoid it. They sleep on the tarmac, and before you know it you run over them. It is a shame, but what can we do.

When I tell visiting pilots to be aware of snakes and scorpions they look at me as if I am Ozzy Osbourne having a laugh. Well here's the foto that shows you how big those snakes get. Almost two meters and thick as a wrist. If I upset animal lovers with this picture, I am sorry.
One several on my briefings I warn pilots not to land near certain areas, because I know scorpions can make your life less nicer if they pinch you, and imagine a snake like that crawling in your leading edge, realizing it when you in flight already. Sweet dreams.

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