Monday, February 11, 2008

Early morning calls... no I don't think we can do anything either today, figured that out ourselves Nick.

But at 11 in the morning, I felt the sun and saw it burning holes in the cloudy sky. Lets call the troops.
A bit of mistrust I felt at meeting point this afternoon though. Things like : are you sure Nick ? At the coast it is not that strong. No, no, no white horses. You think same site like yesterday ?.... ? ahum...

Now I had to score. And luckily nine years living here, flying daily when you can, helps making the right decisions sometimes....
So after the superb flying today at Palomaret, everybody was a lot more mellow.
Dudo, Imre, Ken and Ismael, later Kike, all managed to get to El Cid and back. And it was easy, the thermals got you up to 1250, some tailwind to get to El Cid and bingo.

All the others got to cloudbase and stayed in the thermal for more than an hour, then needed to land because it was getting too cold up there. Martin made big ears just to get rid of some height and land. Immediately putting his hands between his legs. Nick damned, you have to brief where the sink is ! (a happy kid, Hazel ! and when are you gonna sit on my lap again doing a tandem ?)
Helmut, Arild, Jalmar and Frank, all at cloudbase, hip hip.

The weather was strange. Early morning cloudy. Then gradually more sunny. But very strong eastern winds, norhteastern winds, at the coast. Best to detect on the maps of 'theyr', a website of the Island meteo-institute ( I think private owned, I think, not sure .) You have to pay to have access to that site, but it is one of my favourite tools on iffy days. And of course the phone calls to my friends in different valleys to have a global view.
Once at take off, the plain valley was heated up, and generated the thermals up to the (ice) cold air coming from the northeast. But not bumpy, only higher up some windsheer but nothing dramatic.
Another fantastic day, and this for midwinter.


Anonymous said...
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tonyd said...

Hi Nick, Kathe, Paco, Thanks for fantastic weeks flying last week. Looking forward to return visit in March. Tony.

Hazel said...

Well,there's an offer a girl can't refuse!
What a shame about the weather Tues/Weds, especially as it has been so lovely at home!

Wish Martin a Happy Valentine's Day for me. x