Monday, December 24, 2007

Feels funny when paramotor pilots are flying around your head and you cannot take off. That was this afternoon.I was alone on the take off, nobody there. Probably all Xmas shopping, sleeping before the big nite with the family.
Winds were weak and there were paramotors hopping around the beach. Windlines on the sea though, so soon game over.I waited a bit, but gusts came in more frequently and agressive. Another day. Soon paramotorists should be landing --- I thought -- .
I couldn't take off any more anyway.
45 minutes later when it was blowing 35 k per hour, waves on the sea, seagulls screaming. And they all landed, safe !

Yes, nowadays powerfull engines and GT, revolution etc... gliders, specially made for 60 km per hour flights. I drove down to see them, because I recognized some gliders. And bingo, yes the belgians from Liege. They are here on a trip with there paramotors. Sometimes they try a free flight with us, and then those who look the most professional under their engines, look the less confident under our lesser forgiving wings.

We are all in the same family though, and we all love flying. They have one advantage, they always have a mecanic with them, helping them out, checking the engine.

While we ... we have nobody, nobody, but nobody to help us out when landing in a bush.

oh by the way, you can contact me on skype now, my name nickdoyouwanna

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