Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sea breeze kicking in. We will wait till temperatures die off, wind dies off to go fly again. Guaranteed. 5.30 see you there.

I was just having a coffee at the ciosco Susy this morning and I DID IT !!

Spanish tend to leave rubbish behing. So this morning again, I saw the whole terrace wiping off their faces after their morning tapa and throwing the napkin on the ground. No not even laying it on the table.

With the wind, all napking were blowing around, on the street, in the palmtrees, nobody took notice but me, I think. Weird behaviour. It's one of the things hard to understand down here. But you have to get used to it, although it is sick.

But I DID IT !!

I had a tapa, wiped my face, and threw the napkin on the ground myself. Looking around with a bit of a guilt feeling if somebody saw it. Nobody gave me the evil eye. Uf ! DID IT !

Minutes later I was in my car heading back home. In front of me, young men, early twenties. At the red light. Throwing out a plastic bag with rubbish, just like that on the street.

I used to talk to those people, in my (very) broken spanish. They always looked at me, what the fuck¡s he talking about. A couple of times I picked up the filth they threw out, and threw it back into their car. Instead of getting angry, they looked at me as if I was an alien.

Anyway I stopped doing this, don't worry.

But it is very common to see people throwing things, plastic bags, filth on the street, it is very common to see baby napkins on the beach. Filthy, showing of no self-respecting behaviour.

Last night I was having a walk with Paco and Kath on the beach. Everywhere filth, even glass beer bottles just laying in the sand. No, not one, but several all over the beach. Unbelievable.

Something ecudational should change, but when, it is already 2007, and we're all Europeans. Spite all rock-concert trying to save the planet, environmental conscience is very very low down here.

A blog is personal, and I don't care if I write down words which could offend people, although it will never be my intention. It is and should be a personal view on things, to be read by all who is interested.

I love it down here, don't misunderstand. Just in case the ministry of tourism is reading this -hey if you hire me in as a tourist guide, I will be critical !!!

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