Sunday, April 17, 2011

Monte Cabrer - Alcoy

Alcoy, big city, was rich before and you can tell by its huge facades in the main street, almost french looking aristocracy peeping behind their long tall curtains.

Through that town we get to the more manufacturing side of the valley, Cocentaina. A 4x4 road up to the Monte Cabrer. A site rarely visited any more. I think the last 5 times we flew that site there were maybe 4 local pilots in total.

All these sites get more and more abandoned. Why ? Everybody is looking for the comfort. The comfort of driving to a hill, parking their car 20 meters from take off.

Sad on one hand, but on the other hand it gives us free room to explore these sites on our own.

As we did today. While the whole local scene cancelled today for flying we had a blast at Monte Cabrer. Again, our pilots had to work to get down, lifty all over, and views fingerlicking sweet.

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