Monday, April 26, 2010

a swim, some food a dance and a flight

You see the face. It is the western face of El Cid. We were flying today, late. At 4 pm, and it was still not calm. Upper winds southwest, below east. You could feel it as suddenly pressure dropped in the wing. You could feel it when at cloudbase it got choppy.

At 6 pm all clear, breeze took over, and all calmed down.

Guys swam in the sea, had food in Agost, about 4o ladies asked to dance,and a flight till pm. Can't complain.
About the 40 ladies ? Yes, in the restaurant there were 40 ladies were celebrating a birthday or something. I'll tell you, it was quite noisy. After their meal they invited all pilots to have a dance. Right in the middle of our lunch, a polonaise. I hope some of the guys send a foto, so I can show how it looked like.

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