Wednesday, February 3, 2010

filling up our boots, scuffed to bits !

Damn what a day. Driving inland, although it was foggy early morning, knowing cloudbase was gonna be low. Once arrived, hardly any wind, no thermal activity at all. It got even more sour when local pilots arrived who don't talk to other local pilots any more. Why ? We leave that in the middle. Why were we there ¿ It felt like kindergarten.
Anyway we got a phone call that the coast was working.
We met pilots who just love to fly and put everything else aside. Warm welcomes, high fives, toplandings, a chat, a hug and a kiss. We all had it the second half of the day, till dark. Till dark with Conrado's girlie, flying tandem.

Good flying, good friends, no hassles. That's all we want isn't it, lets join the gang, fly our tits off, fill up our boots, and be scuffed to bits !!!
I want to see people who have fun, who smile, who love to fly- not people who look like they have been eating lemons for a while.
This is my blog, my voice, my weapon of choice.

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