Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hola guys and girls,
pilots are a bit worried about the weather down here, well I can tell you that the temp is already 28 degrees and it isn't even 11 am yet. Also a foto of our sky. Totally blue sky.
I believe in this region as one of the best flying destinations in Europe. We do not have a name like Algodonales or Piedrahita, thank god ... , but we do have numerous sites and the best climate. Actually in the whole of Europe this is supposed to be the best climate all over, and these are not my words.
Of course we do have our bad days, but even if you spent all your money going to Brasil you can have bad luck.
So again,not claiming I am a weather god, I think we have some good flying days ahead.
At 1 pm wte leave for inland flying.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK, I rest my case ;)
